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Friday, February 16, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

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This is one of the most memorable Vday I ever had

*Smiling ear to ear*

I'm so excited!
To begin a new chapter of my life =)

<3 Pei @ 3:23 AM || What have you got to say ||

Saturday, February 10, 2007

In case u are curious about how I look like now, here's me:

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Just a lil fatter. Eye rings just a lil darker. Period.

<3 Pei @ 5:10 AM || What have you got to say ||

I want to make some positive changes in my life.

But how?

I hope I'll work it out.

<3 Pei @ 5:03 AM || What have you got to say ||

Friday, November 24, 2006

I got my driving licence!!!!!
(Pass on my first attempt =D)

Wheeeeeeee Wooooooooooooow Yeeeeeeeah!!!!!!!!!!!

Pei pei li hai!

<3 Pei @ 2:25 PM || What have you got to say ||

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I'm such a lazy ARSE!!!

I did not update cos I'm so very obsessed with a game tt I'm a lil embarrased to tell =D

Let just say that I'm too old for that game =P

Nevertheless, here's some Make-up pics.

Have I become a lil more prettyful? ;)

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The infamous Panda Eyes
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- I put on weight. Fuck.

- My practical test is coming. Super nervous~

- I'm so very sad about something, very heart-breaking. SAD =(

- I'm such a boring person becos i have no one to bring me to a halloween party which I have been dying to go since 5 years ago!!!!! >:[

- I wanna play my game & sis have been hogging bro's pc for almost 2 hrs =X

<3 Pei @ 1:57 AM || What have you got to say ||

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Damned Deforestors!!!!!!!!!

I detest the haze.

I'm hyper-sensitive to it.

The weird smoky smell.... arggggh~

I can't breathe properly.

My eyes are very irritated.

I started coughing.

Please, go away.

I gonna put on a mask tomorrow.

<3 Pei @ 1:59 AM || What have you got to say ||

Friday, September 15, 2006

I'm so proud of myself

I passed my Final Theory on the first try =)

<3 Pei @ 12:56 AM || What have you got to say ||


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Not-so-Lame de Ade
The Seaweed Lover-ZH
Sweet Elin
Doll-eyes Emily
Miss Beautiful Skin-Fel
Long-haired Sweetie-Auds



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